Photographer: Steven Pargett
"Dream Defenders director Phillip Agnew, center in the black T-shirt and hat, addresses reporters during a news conference in Tallahassee on Tuesday, July 23, as activists occupy the state capitol." The group wants a Trayvon Martin Act passed repealing Stand Your Ground and abolishing policies promoting racial profiling and the schools to prison pipeline. Activists state they will stay until they win, inviting other concerned citizens to join them in the occupation of the Florida state capitol.
"Dream Defenders director Phillip Agnew, center in the black T-shirt and hat, addresses reporters during a news conference in Tallahassee on Tuesday, July 23, as activists occupy the state capitol." The group wants a Trayvon Martin Act passed repealing Stand Your Ground and abolishing policies promoting racial profiling and the schools to prison pipeline. Activists state they will stay until they win, inviting other concerned citizens to join them in the occupation of the Florida state capitol.
Looks like there's hope for the state of Florida after all. (We may not need Bugs to kick it off into the Atlantic?) A group of righteous activists called The Dream Defenders are occupying the state capitol in Tallahassee at the offices of Governor Rick Scott "to present a way forward" for the state, demanding that Governor Scott consider and help pass the Trayvon Martin Act to address racial profiling, repeal Florida's Stand Your Ground gun law, and end zero tolerance policies towards minority youth that have led to a schools to prison pipeline.
Meet some of the Dream Defenders in the video below:
Here too:
Below, listen to a Roland Martin interview with Dream Defenders Executive Director Phillip Agnew, and from about two days ago in Florida.
Currently, the group has been occupying at the state capitol for about 9 days and 17 hours (with a time count at their website). Those heading down to join in are told to bring a blanket, sweatshirt, t-shirt/tank tops, underwear, socks, comfortable shoes (gym shoes recommended), toiletries (deodorant, soap, toothbrush, etc.), vitamins, pain reliever (ibuprofen, etc.), muscle rub, phone charger.
There's a large march and rally planned for tommorow:

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