Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
O Little Town

Mayor Dan Pike, recently defeated in his bid for reelection by Kelli Linville, a former state representative who marched with Occupy Bellingham, "declared war" on Occupy Bellingham in yet another mayoral about-face throwing them out following what he described as business and resident complaints, along with damage to the park itself.
The inquiring mind of the press does not press what damage, if any, the group committed according to the mayor. (Readers are expected to simply accept what the mayor asserts.) Indeed, visiting activists complained on twitter that Occupy Bellingham ran its encampment "like a ship" - in a mild word play that inferred they were too strict with residents in their effort to show repressive city officials how committed they were to a peaceful and orderly presence in the park. The group named its camp the SS Noisy Waters - after Whatcom (as in Whatcom County and the park's Whatcom Creek) - and from a Nooksack term meaning "noisy waters."
The city of Bellingham has numerous parks - with the park chosen by activists also used by homeless residents who sleep on the lawn without tents and head over to a nearby soup kitchen and shelter run by a religious charity organization, and near the train tracks that run through town.
Local demonstrations often wind up in that park since it is closest to City Hall and the old town center. The park itself, however, is secluded from immediate relationship to many businesses seemingly blocks away. Whatcom Creek runs through a portion of the property where residents enjoy fishing rights relative to an active salmon hatchery. The old historic building above the park on a hill formerly housed public art exhibitions. (We know where this is heading.)
The park is otherwise not used much. Indeed, some residents complained to one another that Occupy should have used a park more residents frequent; i.e. the location was too remote to enjoy community attention to the movement. On a busy weekend, Bellinghamsters are out and about at Zuanich Point, Boulevard Park, or Bloedel Donevan. But Maritime Heritage seemingly belongs to the poor and disenfranchised of the City - its relatively isolated logistics also enabling the status quo to keep the city's poorer, more marginal population away from businesses and out of sight. This seemed, to some, the same objective from the outset - and by the City - for Occupy.
So the Mayor's argument runs thin.
Pike was backed in his announcement by the new head of the Parks Department, James King, appointed after Pike reportedly forced the former Parks and Recreation Director Paul Leuthold to resign for his role in .. a questionable contracting incident. I guess the City has a lot of these, and under Pike too. For example, at today's eviction, activists on livestream discussed the city's use of "volunteers" in removing occupants' belongings. Gee did they advertise this as an opportunity for community service?
Dan Pike initially asserted that the group could stay as long as they were peaceful and "didn't confront" -- an oxymoronic concept insofar as the Occupy Movement is concerned since the First Amendment is about peaceful expression, but nevertheless, "confrontation," by virtue of the fact that it is, indeed, free expression.
The Bellingham Herald reports 4 protesters arrested in today's eviction with Occupy Bellingham activists meeting with legal advisers:
Bellingham Occupy member Jim Robitaille described the day as sad, lonesome and depressing. But even if the encampment is removed, he said it won't put an end to the Occupy movement in the city.
"The problem we all camped here for is still a problem. The system is still broken," he said Wednesday morning. "We've only scratched the surface so far, but we're not giving up."
The movement's next step has yet to be determined, he said.
"This is forcing us to reorganize, rethink and plan for the next objective and the next direct action," he said. "The mayor, the city and the police department have not seen the last of us. We're here for the long run."Occupy Bellingham's Livestream showed demonstrators marching to City Hall following the eviction and holding a General Assembly in the lobby about possible next steps. The Occupy Bellingham website is reporting arraignment hearings tomorrow morning for Bellingham activists who were arrested. Supporters are invited. Go to the "public viewing room" via the main entrance to the Courthouse Rotunda on Grand Ave.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
How Do I Rig Thee
Great article by Victoria Collier on occupying rigged elections. Counting the ways:
Corporate personhood and the legal determination that money equals speech.
Corporate campaign financing and lobbying; billions to buy our elected representatives.
Corporate restriction of candidate access to the media and to participation in vital debates.
Corporate media exit polling, which often alters results to manufacture a false "red shift" of rightward-moving electoral outcomes.
Manipulation of electoral structures and mechanisms
Partisan redistricting, which re-draws electoral district maps that favor a particular party.
Voter ID laws that disenfranchise young, poor and minority voters.
Fraudulent purging of voter rolls, including "caging" - removing a voter from the rolls or discarding their vote based on the return of direct mail to their listed address, a practice found to be used fraudulently and with racial bias, making it illegal under the Voting Rights Act.
Disenfranchisement of felons, many poor, black or Hispanic, and convicted on drug offenses.
The centralized rigging of computerized voting machines.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Ever think a mayor had very little to do with national issues? Many have, but are rethinking the matter, as amongst these various occupation tales recounted, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino decides it is his time of glory yet again, with Suffolk Superior Court Judge Frances McIntyre lifting a court order previously protecting occupants from eviction, and Occupy Seattle given a deadline at its encampment with Seattle Community College.
Occupy Seattle also taking over unoccupied buildings where 12 people were arrested and booked for "criminal trespass" this past weekend. About 100 people camping on the college campus since early October. (Note, when you camp at a community college, vs Berkeley or UC Davis, they accuse you of shooting heroin and breeding their rats - there for quite a while, I'd suppose. If you're at Berkeley or UC Davis, they pepper spray or beat you with batons.)
Is the quiet town of subdued excitement up to something else?
One twitterer reports that Occupy Bellingham runs its encampment like a ship. (Are there enlistment requirements?) Will they, too, like Occupy Irvine to Occupy L.A., openly invite any Seattle outcasts over for dinner?
Occupy Bellingham's outgoing Mayor Dan Pike indicated that occupants are welcome to stay as long as they don't "confront." (But is that the First Amendment speaking? Does that sound anything like the point of Occupy to begin with?) At the same time Dan Pike said that, challenger Kelli Linville actually marched with Occupy Bellingham (though this was poo-pooed by internet posters as during yet another election campaign for the Democrats - you can see the new mayor for yourself in one of the Occupy Bellingham live feed recordings of a local demonstration).
Now that Mayor Linville is elected, is she going to really support their continued and growing presence in the Pacific Northwest?
Is the quiet town of subdued excitement about to get nosier, more confrontational, and more outrageously excited?
From Underdog, guess who's coming to dinner --
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
(You see, speciality clinics affiliated with AMCs are supposed to be the unbiased providers of pediatric and adolescent care vs specialty clinics that are not. They're supposed to be "the safety net" - and the safety net that makes our present system defensible.)
But now that idea, too, is unraveling.
Science news reports here as to how researchers posing as moms telephoned for specialty medical appointments for their children at these two types of clinics in Cook County, Illinois. Researchers found:
1. While non-academically affiliated clinics do discriminate more (your chances of getting your Medicaid CHIP child an appointment, 45% lower if you call a non-academically affiliated clinic),
2. Academically affiliated clinics still discriminate, also favoring children with private insurance. For although you have a greater likelihood of getting an appointment for your child on a public insurance program at an AMC, your child's wait time will still be 40 days longer, on average, than a child with private insurance.
Researchers think targeted resource allocations for AMCs should be dependent on equitable appointment and wait times. Science News also suggests they up payments to Medicaid providers for children.
Both sounding like reasonable conclusions to this blogger. However, if they passed an equitable bill like H.R. 676 (and that's a bill you can really read and understand), well, we wouldn't need to horse around with any of this nonsense, would we! That is, the entire sorry, pathetic, disgraceful subject, in the United States of America, as to whether some humans, let alone children, deserve better medical care than other children or humans, would be finished, once and for all! Including speciality clinics that are not AMC affiliated.
Nail the coffins for that baby instead (of a human baby). Give everyone the same medical treatment: the medical treatment doctors are trained to provide to any human being in medical school. Open an improved Medicare to the entire country and, throw these Pirates of the Health Care-ibbean overboard for good!
From the Austin Lounge Lizards:
By the way, out of the estimated 45,000 Americans who die every year because they lack adequate access to health care, how many are minors?
Monday, December 5, 2011
Always Oatmeal
always oatmeal - a fast food recipe
medium pyrex bowl
tray or heat-safe plate
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 cup water
1 heaping tablespoon non-fat plain yogurt
1 pinch of cinnamon
1 handful nuts (e.g. walnut pieces, almonds, pecans)
any choice of fresh or dried fruit (e.g. chopped apple, sliced banana, frozen berries, chopped dry apricot, fig, cranberry - or leftover cranberry sauce from thanksgiving)
1. put your oatmeal, water, and cinamon in the pyrex bowl. stir with spoon. blast in microwave for about 4 minutes or a minute longer for the right consistency.
2. remove carefully with towel or potholder, placing on a plate or tray for heat safety.
3. add yogurt and additional nut and fruit choices. Stir and serve.
enjoy ! nice on a decorative and pleasant table setting befitting the elegance and high nutritional value of this food.
additional thoughts
oatmeal is great for your cholesterol, with a myriad of other health factors, to boot. eating oatmeal regularly can help you live a longer and healthier life.
embellish your oatmeal and serve it to yourself in an elegant manner. you may not be feasting on steak and eggs in the morning, but you may be much luckier than you think, if this is the case.
budget-wise, don't bother with these "instant oatmeal" packages. don't even bother with quick oats. it is SO easy (AND more nutricious AND less expensive AND more filling) to make oatmeal yourself from the bulk product, and all you need is a little bit of imaginative this or that stirred in, and you will never go back to instant or quickie packets.
experiment with your meal design, as well as table design. consider having breakfast for lunch or dinner, and dinner for breakfast or lunch.
let's think outside the box when it comes to food. (after all, we may have no choice.)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Mic Check
Mic Check
too hard-working
one of them
a lovely
insurance policy
threw children
off food programs
jailed mothers
too bad
I watched quietly
as sheriffs
trashing their tents
liked camping
union activists
I didn't speak
Martina Davis-Correia
Reclaiming Space
As blogged earlier here and here, Mr. Olsen was shot in the head with a police projectile during the widely decried crackdown on Occupy Oakland. Mr. Olsen's assault and horrific injury, and while he was peacefully demonstrating, was captured on video that went viral. Although the police officer is graphically circled on that video, his identity remains undisclosed, with 500 officers and 18 police agencies said to be involved in an operation many view more like a virtual battlefield assault on citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. And all while the mayor, Jean Quan, flew out of town for the show, and later refused to assume responsibility. An investigation is supposedly still underway.
Mr. Olsen is also interviewed here by Rachel Maddow, here by Ed Schultz, and here by Keith Olbermann. Keith Olbermann asks if Mr. Olsen is shocked by the police violence. He responds, “On one hand, it shocks me a lot, and the other hand, it doesn’t. Because our nation’s peace officers have been militarized to combat terrorism, but they’re combating anyone with an opinion.” Mr. Olsen expresses opposition to current U.S. military engagements, and in all 4 interviews, the importance of more people getting involved and speaking out about the rights they are losing as Americans. Scott Olsen is active with both Veterans For Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War as well as Occupy Oakland. Throughout all 4 interviews, he struggles notably with speech impediments due to the brain injury he now suffers, but optimistically and bravely maintains his daily improvement in the face of continuous physical frustration - and what could be characterized as a whole other level of reclaiming space.
In the video that more recently surfaced, police appear to be engaged in a highly militarized, planned operation, advancing in full line-up, down an empty street, and in completely robot-like fashion. Except for the few officers directly facing Mr. Sabehgi (and who become violent rather than engaging in sensible dialogue - and as one advances menacingly and Mr. Sabehgi backs away - before he beats him up on the sidewalk with others), the police appear oblivious to the presence of any object, let alone human beings, in front of them. They appear to have hung up their individual abilities to employ critical thinking and make independent judgment calls.
Capturing aptly what Mr. Olsen criticizes about the direction of the police department, and the kind of behavior this mindless mentality engenders in law enforcement. Soldiers rather than peace officers. Whether or not Mr. Sabehgi was identified and singled out in this specific incident beforehand.
For what was this "full regiment" in Oakland at this location - engaged in this exercise - away from the demonstration - doing out there in the middle of the night? When Mr. Sabehgi happened to be strolling home?
What were they dress rehearsing for? Was this to be some weird remake of Glory? Return of Borg? Where was the director?
And will the alleged investigation let the public know?
Because - flashback - to Mr. Olsen's statement to Keith Olbermann - it not only looks like they're combating anyone with an opinion - it looks like they're combating anyone walking down the street.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Occupy Student Debt
Well now there is a campaign called Occupy Student Debt. Organizers are looking for 1 million debtor pledges to refuse to pay off loans after a million signatures have been collected. They are also collecting the signatures of any other supporters, including teachers. At the time of this posting, there are 2,026 debtor pledges, 343 supportive faculty pledges, and another 489 non-debtor supportive signatories.
In seeking to gain one million signatures, the campaign is looking for strength in collective action, which will be important if it is to succeed. One thousand people refusing to pay their loans—and potentially suffering the consequences of default—will not make much of an impact. But the organizers hope that one million could make an effective statement while also launching a political movement.Amy Goodman from Democracy Now! speaks with the campaign in the video below:
The Art of War
"I couldn't be prouder of what I believe is maybe the finest moment in the history of the Los Angeles Police Department," Villaraigosa said, according to The Chicago Tribune. "The activists' fundamental rights were respected, and the result was a peaceful and orderly end to the encampment at City Hall."
Say wha -? (When it ended? And with 300 people arrested?)
Still, Mayor Villaraigosa considers this a feather in his hat, rather than the deep smear on his administration it really is, along with his other mayoral cohorts. For plain and simple, you can't evict an idea whose time has come, as further north up the west coast, masses of activists occupied the Washington State capitol building decrying billions in further cuts to public education, and the total destruction of a state health care plan that already had over 100,000 on a waiting list. 3 people were tasered. (Well why not?)
So, these mayors are not the only ones with maps. Plus, we have masses of people with not only debt and unemployment, but college educations. And that alone says a lot about the enormous capacity of this movement.
"So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself."One small clip from inside the occupied Olympia capitol building, as occupiers People Mic a key part of Jefferson's masterpiece:
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Still Occupied !
In Los Angeles, the crowd swelled to at least about 1,200, as riot police lined up, erected barricades, and a helicopter flew overhead. One group marched down to the police department and read to the police from the Constitution. Back at City Hall, numerous individuals stood to speak passionately about peaceful assembly, corporate greed, financial inequity, and a growing sense of degradation in America, by the 99%, and at hands of the 1%. "This is what humanity looks like!" chanted the crowd, following addresses by teachers who spoke, at one point, about the diminished status of students and children in the United States. "There comes a time when one can no longer be silent!" proclaimed one educator. "We want to live with respect!" Around 10:30 P.M., during a scheduled non-violent activism teach-in, another series of speakers rose to emphasize the need for peaceful behavior in the face of police action, in the words of one, that people should "stick together, stay peaceful, and stay safe." reports the renovation, "Christmas Village in Love Park," as a planned open-air market modeled after clusters of outdoor shops in large German cities at the holidays. Below is an example (I guess) of one in the U.K.:
Lauren Keiser, 26, a student from Audubon, said she was willing to get arrested because she believed homeless people, who are a constant presence on the plaza, deserve more help. She thinks the money that will transform Dilworth could be better spent on housing, addiction programs, and other services.
"It's disgusting that a $50 million skating rink is going to be put here," she said.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Making and Taking Stock
Simple Stock Recipe
1 large pot
1 large spoon
1 large collander
1 large bowl (or another large pot)
any number of storage containers such as recycled tomato sauce jars or tupperware, either with well sealing lids.
1 fowl carcass, such as chicken or turkey, left over from Thanksgiving or any other time you have roasted a bird.
optional - any number of flavorful vegetable additions such as leftover celery, carrots, onions, potatoes, and seasonings such as rosemary, thyme, basil, and garlic.
1. Put the bird carcass into a large pot, fill with water, cover and bring to a boil on a high heat.
2. Lower heat and allow the bird to simmer for 3-4 hours, or until the meat has fallen off all the bone and the water has become a nice, rich broth.
3. Keep covered, and allow it to cool at room temperature.
4. Drain broth through a collander into a large bowl (or another large pot). Separate meat from bones, storing meat in a sealed container in the refrigerator. You can also separate and store any added vegetables at this point.
5. Pour your stock into your other containers, seal well, and store in refrigerator.
6. In another day or two, open each container and skim off the fat that has settled on the top surface. Discard in the garbage (not down your pipes - unless you know how to make a nice hand cream for dry skin).
Well sealed, you can use this stock over the next week or so to make easy soups, stews, sauces, and rice or grain dishes. Or enjoy a fast, simple hot cup of broth on a cold, wintry night. Serve up rapidly any added vegetables, as these spoil more quickly, creating simple soup or grain dishes. Add the meat to any of those dishes, or in traditional after-Thanksgiving sandwiches, an imaginative burrito, or even cabbage wraps.
additional thoughts
Post Thanksgiving stock is a good time to "take stock" of how much food we throw away in America while people go hungry unnecessarily, not having easy, affordable access to needed nutrition and sustenance, and free of human degradation.
Consider that, during a holiday that honors our nation's survival due to Native Americans teaching settlers skills needed to survive their first cold winters, we now waste animals and crops indigenous peoples honored, by throwing away so much, rather than using what we have and sharing equally with our neighbors.
nearly one third of food produced for human consumption globally is lost or wasted every year. That translates to 1.3 billion tons of food – the weight of 3,400 Golden Gate Bridges – going to waste each year. And with that comes all the wasted energy, water, chemicals, and labor that go into producing, transporting, and storing the ill-fated food.
In North America and Europe, we annually waste 209-253 pounds of food (95-115 kg) per capita.
And while in developing countries, a large portion of this waste happens in the early and middle stages of the food supply chain – due to things like limited harvesting technologies, storage capacity, and cooling infrastructure – the story takes a turn here at home.
In wealthy countries, this food waste is much more likely to be due to us, the consumers. While loss takes place along the entire food supply chain, the FAO explains that consumers contribute to waste “due to quality standards, which reject food items not in perfect shape or appearance… Insufficient purchase planning and expiring ‘best-before-dates’ also cause large amounts of waste, in combination with the careless attitude of those consumers who can afford to waste food.”These statistics seem all the more disturbing when we consider how many Americans are currently making unavoidable choices between food and rent, gasoline, or health insurance payments. In other words, they can't get to this food.
Or when we consider a recent court case, whereby a Mississippi judge savagely sentenced the mother of 2 teenagers to 3 years in prison because she lied on a Food Program application - and not about her finances - she needed the food - but by hiding a "criminal record" as a drug user. In other words, if you are hungry but use drugs illegally (vs through your chain store pharmacy), you and your children are not allowed to get food. Which is extremely irrational and cruel, and a very serious human rights abuse by our government upon three of its citizens.
This also means her teenagers (if they are in school or stay in school) are no longer on the School Lunch Program, at a time in life, developmentally, children eat more than ever. The "burdened" taxpayer will now provide *instead* over $100,000 per year housing a non-violent drug user in the prison system, while sending her children off to live in foster care, unless other family members step in, or the youths simply go off to live on their own. There are also the future costs to the taxpayer considering the psychological impact on youths when the government takes away your mom, and the statistically higher likelihood that the children will impact the social service system as adults with more bills, as a result of that happening.
By the way, how much did the mother and her 2 teenagers receive while the taxpayer is about to kick in so much to violate the human rights of their fellow Americans? According to Think Progress, $4,367.00, all of which she already paid "back" (not that she should have owed this money, to begin with). And, while the CEOs who devastated this economy are running off with more money than ever, without going to jail.
This kind of disturbing tale is supported by an oft bogusly quipped, self-righteous statement that, "There is no free lunch."
More here on roasting birds. More here on the false notion of "luxury food." More here on Winter in America.
- o.s.r.