Greenpeace International announces that Arctic Sunrise crew members including two journalists are finally going home. All but one of the 26 non-Russian "Arctic 30" were issued their exit visas at the time of the Greenpeace press release.
Twitter has been lively with the information, tracking progress. Below, Mannes Ubels of the Netherlands gets the great news:
Mannes Ubels! #freethearctic30 in Canada's National Post. Fingers crossed yet again for uncle Paul! Tick tock! pic.twitter.com/5A8z3TR6Ru
— jesse reid (@jessereid) December 27, 2013
Faiza Oulahsen of the Netherlands:
#Arctic30 activist Faiza with her signed amnesty paper after moonwalking out of the Head Investigator's office! pic.twitter.com/9J4SQBk9Vs
— Arctic Sunrise (@gp_sunrise) December 25, 2013
On my way back to Amsterdam after nearly 4 incredible months. The support worldwide has been humbling. Thank you. #Arctic30 #SavetheArctic
— Faiza Oulahsen (@faizaoulahsen) December 27, 2013
A plane with all six Britons and one of two Canadians, Alexandre Paul, left Saint Petersburg heading for Paris. (Guardian video below.) They made it to London:
British #Greenpeace activists back in London after 100 days in Russia http://t.co/V1KC0uDjt7 #Arctic30 pic.twitter.com/rChusnU0uA
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) December 27, 2013
Twitter reports that Canadian Paul Ruzycki is also out, arrived in Toronto:
Look who's home!! #FreeTheArctic30 pic.twitter.com/roZb7Tr2FW
— Christy Ferguson (@christyarctic) December 28, 2013
ElLiteral.com reports that Argentina activists Camila Speziale and Miguel Hernan Perez Orsi arrive Saturday morning via Air France in Ezeiza, family members having spoken to them by phone in Paris.
Australian activist Colin Russell is reported out of Russia, bound for Amsterdam, first, where Greenpeace International is located. He is expected back in Hobart January 2nd.
New Zealand activists Jonathan Beauchamp and David John Haussman are reported in transit. Mr. Beauchamp lives in Australia.
Italian activist Cristian D'Alessandro was reported as arriving in Naples today. His father told reporters that he is fine, but would not provide details.
Finland activist Sini Saarela is reported back. Speaking to a crowd of reporters as she arrived in Helsinki, she described the Russian amnesty (video at link) as a publicity stunt.
Danish activist Anne Mie Roer Jensen landed in Copenhagen after having described, on the way out, "100 days of theater of the absurd" while expressing the group's commitment to end oil drilling in the Arctic.
Turkish activist Gizem Akhan is reported as having arrived home in Istanbul (video at link).
Activist and biologist Ana Paula Alminhana Maciel of Brazil is on her way back.
Arctic Sunrise Captain and American Peter Henry Willcox is described in the photo taken below as leaving for the departure lounge at the Saint Petersburg airport:
RMF 24 reports that Tomasz Dziemianczuk of Poland received his exit visa and flies Sunday from Saint Petersburg to Warsaw.
Ruslan Yakushev of the Ukraine has left Russia and is returning home.
Dima Litvinov, a Soviet born Swedish activist, was the first
to leave the country, taking a train across the border to Finland.
News is still awaited concerning Francesco Pisanu of France and Marco Weber of Switzerland.
The Russian activists released include the ship's physician Ekaterina Zaspa, international journalist Andrey Allakhverdov, international photojournalist Denis Sinyakov, and translator Roman Dolgov.
Departing activists speaking with reporters expressed relief that they were going home, while maintaining their innocence, deep concern about invasive oil drilling in the Arctic, and their commitment to stop drilling in this fragile region of our planet.
Dima Litvinov told press, "I'm glad that this chapter is over but the book still remains to be written. As long as there's threat for the Arctic, as long as there's multinational companies like Gasprom, like Shell, like Exxon - and the puppet regimes intent on raping the Arctic - we'll certainly continue to fight against that and work towards a sane future."
He also said, “I’ve never regretted what we did, not once, not in prison and definitely not now. Sometimes you just have to stand up and ask to be counted, and that’s what we did in the Arctic. They didn’t throw us in jail for what we did, they locked us up because of what we stood for."
More in the Guardian video below as activists departed Russia:
*Photo credit/top, Via Times Live,"Twenty-six of the Arctic 30 (24 Greenpeace International activists and
two freelance journalists) pose in St. Petersburg, in this December 3,
2013 handout from Greenpeace. The four not pictured are: Francesco
Pisanu of France, Andrey Allakhverdov of Russia, Tomasz Dziemianczuk of
Poland and Ekaterina Zaspa of Russia."
Editor's Update, 1.1.2014. The Executive Director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo has confirmed reports that all 26 non-Russian Greenpeace activists have left Russia.
Editor's Update, 1.1.2014. The Executive Director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo has confirmed reports that all 26 non-Russian Greenpeace activists have left Russia.
Last foreign Greenpeace activist exits Russia http://t.co/BAsZb6EjDY via @AJEnglish #arctic30 #freethearctic30
— Kumi Naidoo (@kuminaidoo) December 30, 2013
Swiss Greenpeace Activist Marco Weber back in Switzerland where he tells the press that he would do it again:
Marco Weber: «Je le referais» il est bien courageux!!! http://t.co/tNWhKbi7Ln pic.twitter.com/ZoQwZzEy8W
— Zawadzki Christophe (@photoscrisco) December 31, 2013
El activista de Greenpeace Marco Weber, encarcelado en Rusia, regresa a Suiza http://t.co/Gj9xGuoxRI
— Agencia EFE (@EFEnoticias) December 30, 2013
Another photo of Paul Ruzycki in Toronto:
@gp_sunrise Paul Ruzycki's family meets him at Toronto Int'l airport #FreeTheArctic30 thanks for bringing him home! pic.twitter.com/UEuzdeZdps
— Patti Stirling (@PattiStirling) December 29, 2013
A thank you video is circulating:
The #Arctic30 say thank you to all who helped #FreeTheArctic30 http://t.co/2c0fBvqWNO [VIDEO]
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) December 28, 2013
And, now it's time for the ship to be returned:
After arriving home, #Arctic30 activist Camila has a new message: #FreeTheArcticSunrise pic.twitter.com/jACkcI7xpL
— Arctic Sunrise (@gp_sunrise) December 29, 2013
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