More information coming in about the OWS protester - Cecily McMillan - who had a seizure while in police custody. Prior statements that she was beaten by police appear confirmed by more video that has surfaced, shown below - one police officer can be seen swinging a club; also, a witness known only as "Anne" reports seeing her clubbed and kicked by the police at close range. It also turns out Ms. McMillan has been targeted for police brutality previously, as reported in a November 10, 2011 Rolling Stone article, "Inside Occupy Wall Street," and when, after engaging in a attempt to "charge Wall Street," a police officer pepper sprayed her, then 'knocked her down, stepped on her head and snarled at her, "Shut up. You get what you deserve, cunt bitch."' A former cheerleader, Ms. McMillan is Northeast regional organizer for the youth section of the Democratic Socialists of America. She is a twenty-three year old graduate student at the New School, and she is also employed as a nanny. The Guardian reports that she was transfered from the hospital to NYPD's midtown south precinct where she was kept in a 6' X 21' cell with twenty-one other women. Cell mates say that she was so badly bruised, they tried to give her as much room as possible because it was too painful for her to be touched at all, and they just took turns holding her hand to try to comfort her. "She was just crying hysterically and showed us all her bruises all over her body," stated Jennifer Waller who also saw her convulsing in the street. "They told her at the hospital that she would be brought back to the precinct for 20 minutes and then she would be seeing her personal doctor. Twenty minutes turned into many hours." Ms. McMillan was eventually transfered to Bellevue with the extent of her injuries and treatment not yet released to the press. Her attorney was unable to speak with her privately until shortly before a court appearance. In court, Ms. MacMillan's face was visibly quite bruised and the attending police officer told people waiting for her to have pain killers immediately available. The judge released Ms. McMillan after denying the D.A.'s request to have bail set at $20,000. and after confirming that a police officer elbowed by Ms. McMillan when her arm swung behind her was not even injured.
Here are the additional videos; footage also shows her having the seizure, her head hitting the sidewalk repeatedly, and confirming numerous reports that police did not provide first aide - indeed, people even scream repeatedly for her to receive assistance, telling the police that she is having a seizure, and demanding that the police call a medic and an ambulance for her, but New York's Finest does not. People also yell at NYPD: "Shame! Shame! Shame!" You can hear the earlier reported phone conversation to 911 made by the witness who said he telephoned, and that it did not appear from the conversation that the police had contacted paramedics at all. Witnesses also time the appearance of an ambulance as taking 17 minutes.
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