Not to give anyone any ideas, but that's the Illinois contingent of the Overpass Light Brigade. Healthcare-NOW! reports that Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice (NIJWJ) is endorsing H.R. 676, John Conyer's national single payer healthcare legislation. [The real thing, that is, like in the words to the old Coca Cola commercial, and what all educated people know Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be standing up for, as well. (So if you know about that, you must be educated.)]
NIJWJ is the 606th American labor organization to take a stand for an expanded and improved Medicare for all. (Along with all the major women's rights organizations, 65% of the American public, and 55% of the medical profession.) Mary Shesgreen, a member of the NIJWJ steering committee, told Healthcare-NOW! that most members of the steering committee have long supported it (anyway).
Can someone redo this song? I'd really like to give everyone in America a national health care policy so that all of God's children -- black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, Muslims and agnostics, women and children, too - can see the doctor of their choice when they need to. A real national health care plan like Canada - an expanded and improved Medicare for All, including dental and vision, and one in which you never see a bill - you only see your healthcare provider. You never worry about whether or not you're covered or whether you can afford to see a physician - you just make the appointment.
That is my dream. For all of America. (Now please go tell it on the mountain at #DreamDay or make sure people hear about it on Wed., August 28th. If you share this dream, find and contact your representative here to either thank him or her if you see their name on that list of cosponsors, or to urge them to truly honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by signing on to the real thing - a bill that really provides health care for all - H.R. 676.)