From Thom Hartmann's 3/26 report:
You need to know this. All around the world, people are talking
about a basic minimum income, and what they're saying makes a lot of
economic sense. Regardless of whether you want to fight
poverty, stimulate the economy, shrink the size of government, or simply
ensure everyone has a sense of human dignity – you should be calling
for a no-strings-attached basic income for all. Since it's inception,
Social Security has been incredibly successful at fighting poverty. So
rather than slashing it, or means-testing it, we should expand it to
every American. In addition to helping low-income workers, a basic
income would provide a huge boost to our economy. When people have money
to spend, demand increases, and businesses see faster growth and higher
profits. Even those who believe that the size of government is our
biggest problem should be all-in-favor of a minimum income for all
Americans. Rather than administering a huge patchwork of overlapping
social programs, our nation could save time and money by simply issuing
every citizen a monthly check. A basic minimum income makes sense
economically, and it could lead to important social benefits too. Crime
rates would likely decrease because people wouldn't need to steal to
survive. More Americans would have the opportunity to raise families or
complete their education when they're not working three jobs just to get
by. And, a minimum income would ensure that no one would be denied
their basic human dignity by being forced to live in squalor in the
richest nation of the face of the Earth. These are not extreme ideas.
When you consider the economic, social, and moral benefits, a basic
minimum income just makes sense.

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