Friday, April 27, 2012
m1gs preparations
nationwide, preparations are underway for a may 1st general "strike" in support of occupy wall street, also dubbed "a day without the 99%." reportedly, there are many ways to participate, including demonstrations, biking-only, not attending school or work, and not doing any housework. high school and college students have called for a walk-out.
everyone is urged not to spend any money.
the occupy wall street website has published a directory for may 1st general strike activities in your chosen geographical area. or references for planning activities in your own. a full roster of new york city activities are now published here.
immigrant and labor rights activists are planning events, and in a number of cities. below, part of an OWS press conference on solidarity:
c.u.n.y. faculty have released a statement of support, decrying the increasing burden of tuition, fees, and student loan debt, as well as modeling c.u.n.y. "on corporate structures — from excessive executive compensation to the exploitation of contracted and adjunct labor. "
the may 1st general strike (M1GS) is being supported by single payer health-care-for-all activists. [single payer is basically an improved medicare extended to age zero (read h.r. 676 here).] health-care now! invites supporters to download flyers and petitions to pass out on M1GS at this link.
in the youtube below, occupy los angeles presents its stunning "4 winds" strategy for M1GS.
in the next video, anonymous announces support for a global M1GS.
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