Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

People's Climate March

Coverage here and here and here of the People's Climate March and Flood Wall Street action over this past weekend.  Crowd estimates started at 200,000, then, as the crowd continued to swell, ranged from 300,000-400,000 participants in N.Y.C. alone.  1,600 related protests took place around the world - making this the largest climate protest in human history.  Marchers included environmental, health, labor, and indigenous rights organizations - many notables also observed in attendance such as U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, scientist Jane Goodall, actor Leonardo DiCaprio, and various U.S. political leaders like Al Gore, Dennis Kucinich, and Senators Bernie Sanders and Sheldon Whitehouse, among others.  Democracy Now! reports 100 arrests at Flood Wall Street on Sunday.

Some highlights below from twitter, including a highly visible polar bear spotted talking to media at #FloodWallStreet, then arrested, along with 2 Captain Planets.  Two large carbon bubble balloons were carried by the crowd, then confiscated and reportedly popped by NYPD on the horns of the infamous Wall Street bull.  One bubble was reclaimed by activists, repaired and then triumphantly passed around again.

I've included some music tweets (if you'd like relevant sound track while viewing).

Some international photos from Paris, Istanbul, Vietnam, London, and Australia:

Tweets from #FloodWallStreet the following day: